Psychological Consultation and Supervision for Educational Professionals

Psychological Consultation and Supervision
for Educational Professionals

Psychological Consultation

We provide psychological consultation to staff to support them in recognising and responding to the psychological needs of children; understanding how a child’s developmental capacities / lived experiences (including their experience of relationships / attachment and trauma) may have shaped their social, emotional and cognitive development, current patterns of coping, their belief system, their ways of relating to others, their behaviour and their engagement.

Consultation sessions can be used to think about aspects of a child or young person’s behaviour that staff find challenging, understanding and supporting young people who present with risky behaviour, supporting young people where there are concerns around their attainment and attendance linked to psychological wellbeing/mental health, identifying needs and developing strategies that are most likely to help. All our consultations are written up to include a psychological understanding and clear recommendations for those involved.

Consultation and Supervision for Educational Professionals
Educational Professionals Consultation
We provide psychological consultation online (or in person dependent on location). Each session usually lasts 1.5hrs. Where appropriate, settings may wish to invite other relevant professionals who are involved in supporting a child /young person (e.g. Children’s Social Care, Education Welfare, Early Help, Mental Health Services).
As a school, we have always focused and prioritised the social and emotional wellbeing of all children and staff. Whilst we were proud of what we were already doing for the staff, we felt as if we still required additional support for them. As a school, we set up monthly consultation sessions for staff…these sessions have had such a positive impact on staff – they come back from sessions with a clearer picture and strategies as to how best to support individuals and groups of children with an approach which is built upon trauma-informed approaches and building strong relationships with the child.

Fiona Pickering, Headteacher, Windsor Primary School

Psychological Supervision
and Reflective Practice

Many staff within education settings are faced with the task of supporting vulnerable children and families where there are high levels of distress, and where managing relationships can be challenging. Staff are often carrying lots of responsibility with little opportunity for open discussion, reflection and learning in relation to their work.

We know that high quality psychological supervision can be invaluable in providing staff with a safe and confidential space to reflect on children and young people’s experiences and needs, whilst also acknowledging and addressing their role within this work, and the complex range of factors that may be impacting on all involved. Psychological supervision can support staff to remain emotionally resilient and effective in their approach and safeguard their own health and wellbeing.

Our Clinical Psychologists are experienced in providing high quality clinical supervision to a range of professionals across education, children’s social care and children’s mental health services.

We provide bespoke packages of regular psychological supervision to education settings. We provide supervision online or in person (dependent on location). Each session usually lasts between 1hr-1.5hrs. We can deliver group supervision.

Reflective Supervision for Educational Professionals

Supervision has been invaluable to our team. Talking through complex safeguarding cases has enabled us to navigate our way through to better outcomes for these children, whilst dealing with the emotional toll that these cases can take.  Participating in formulation helped the team to explore the triggers, and feelings of a traumatised child. This helped us to respond to his dysregulation with greater understanding and allowed us to reduce these triggers

Joanne Lewis, Headteacher, St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School