Changing Minds Child & Family Services (CMCAFS)

At CMCAFS, we aim to support people, organisations and wider systems collaboratively and compassionately through creative psychological practice. 

Who Are We?

We are a team of Applied Psychologists who pride ourselves in providing high quality, innovative, meaningful work. We work closely with a range of organisations, both at a regional and national level, including children’s charities, Local Authorities, fostering and adoption support services, educational settings and residential care, to provide psychological consultation and support.

We support schools and education settings to provide psychologically responsive care that empowers their whole school community to thrive. We specialise in supporting education staff to address the psychological needs of the children and young people they support, as well as empowering settings to develop whole school/setting approaches aimed at improving wellbeing and behaviour, enhancing learning, promoting achievement and maximising potential for all children and young people.
Over 10 years of working with CMCAFS on projects supporting vulnerable young people, I have seen the impact of the depth of their understanding and insight in improving outcomes and building confidence and resilience for teams: a highly skilled, capable team with great values who make a difference.

Tony Clifford, Director of Anewarc Ltd.

Looked After Children

We provide bespoke packages of support for services working with children and young people in care, including foster care, residential care, and services supporting care-experienced young people.

CMCAFS is an organisation that provide an excellent service. They have a strong value base and operate with integrity and efficiency. I can highly recommend them.

Strategic manager for Children in Care, Local Authority

EVOLVING Leadership

At Changing Minds Child and Family Services (CMCAFS), our Leadership support and development has grown out of the specialist psychological consultation and training we have been providing for many years with organisations such as Local Authorities, inpatient settings, charities, education and the legal system.


Our skilled team of Applied Psychologists at CMCAFS use their knowledge and experience of working with children, young people, families, and those who support them to deliver exciting and highly informative training sessions. Comprising of the most current information and practice, our training sessions strengthen the existing skills of those professionals, carers and families who support young people, and look to further develop and support their understanding and critical thinking, from a psychological perspective.

The EVOLVING Leadership Podcast

We are developing a podcast series on Psychologically Responsive Leadership hearing from various leaders from across the academic, corporate, sporting, public sector and third sector organisations.