Research & Books

Research & Books

As a team of Applied Psychologists, we pride ourselves on being ‘evidence informed’ and want to share good psychological practice.

As a service we endeavour to evaluate our work, disseminate our findings, showcase research, share good psychological practice, and actively contribute to relevant ongoing research. We support thesis research for Clinical Psychologist and Counselling Psychologist trainees and currently have links with courses based in Lancaster University, the University of Liverpool and the University of London, Royal Holloway. We also collaboratively undertake research with other services.

We are open to linking in with other universities and services regarding research projects so please do get in touch if this is something that you would be interested further in.

The CMCAFS team are also keen researchers and authors. Click here to see some of their publications:

Research and Books

If you would like a copy of any of the above journal articles, please get in touch at CMCAFS@changingmindsuk.com.