Designated Senior Mental Health Leads Training

Designated Senior Mental Health Leads Training

Our Designated Senior Mental Health Leads Training seeks to support education providers to develop psychologically informed and responsive whole school approaches that empower their school community to thrive.

Combining psychological approaches with DFE principles for promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing, delegates will be equipped with the relevant knowledge, understanding and practical approaches to address the needs of their setting.

DSMH Leads Training

This course is for staff identified as the ‘Designated Senior Mental Health Lead’ within their setting, who have strategic responsibility for a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

This course is tailored to Senior Mental Health Leads who are relatively new to the role and / or have not previously completed senior mental health leadership training.

The course involves:

How Much Does The Course Cost?

The total cost of the course is £650 (plus VAT). As this training is accredited with the DFE, delegates should be eligible to access grant funding from the DFE to cover the full cost of the training.

How Much Does The Course Cost?

For further information about how to access grant funding, please see: Senior mental health lead training grant funding – GOV.UK www.gov.uk

When is the next course taking place and how do I book?


Mental Health Leads Training
DSM Health Leads Training

Psychological Supervision for DSMHL

We provide ongoing individual psychological supervision for DSMHL working within education settings to support them in their ongoing strategic role in developing and embedding approaches to psychological wellbeing across their setting. This can be provided on a monthly or half termly basis. Please contact us for further information.